In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about WHERE DOES THE WORD JEWELRY ORIGINATE. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.

Where Does the Word 'Jewelry' Originate From?
    The word ' Jewelry ' originated from the Latin word 'jocale' meaning 'play thing'. The present name is the anglicized version of the Old French 'jouel'. The word spelled as 'jewellery' in European English, jewelry is usually defined as any piece of adornment made up …

jewelry Origin and meaning of jewelry by Online ...
    jewelry (n.) late 14c., juelrye "precious ornaments, jewel work," from Old French juelerye, from jouel (see jewel). In modern use it probably is a new formation and can be analyzed as jewel + -ery or jeweler + -y (1). Also jewellery. "The longer is the commercial & popular form, the shorter the rhetorical & …

The Origin of Jewelry Jewelry in the Old Testament
    “Jewelry production was a significant craft in the ancient city of UR in southern Mesopotamia, where Abraham and Sarah lived. Some of the oldest jewelry found is from UR. In Mesopotamian jewelry design, preferred shapes and motifs included leaves, cones, spirals, and bunches of grapes. Jewelry was created BOTH for human use and for adorning statues and idols.”iiiFile Size: 773KB

jewel Origin and meaning of jewel by Online Etymology ...
    jewel (n.) late 13c., "article of value used for adornment," from Anglo-French juel, Old French jouel "ornament; present; gem, jewel" (12c.), which is perhaps [Watkins] from Medieval Latin jocale, from Latin jocus "pastime, sport," in Vulgar Latin "that which causes joy" (see joke (n.)).

Take Our Word For It Issue 80
    Feb 17, 2002 · Speaking of that, what is the derivation of the word jewelry? Jewlery (14th century), like jewel (13th century), entered English from Old French joel. The source of joel, however, is in dispute. One school suggests that it derives from Latin gaudium "joy”, origin both of the English word gaudy and of the French joie “joy”.

Why are Jews called Jews? - Archaeology -
    Feb 15, 2017 · The word 'Jew' originates with the ancient Israelite kingdom of Judah, but what its name means is a matter of great controversy. It could even mean 'Thank God'. A menora carved on stone found in a 2,000-year-old drainage tunnel leading to the Old City of Jerusalem.

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